re·cov·er \ ri-ˈkə-vər \
recovered; recovering \ ri-ˈkə-və-riŋ , -ˈkəv-riŋ \
Definition of recover
transitive verb
1: to get back : regain
a: to bring back to normal position or condition
stumbled, then recovered himself
b archaic : rescue
a: to make up for
recover increased costs through higher prices
b: to gain by legal process
4 archaic : reach
5: to find or identify again
recover a comet
a: to obtain from an ore, a waste product, or a by-product
b: to save from loss and restore to usefulness : reclaim
intransitive verb
1: to regain a normal position or condition (as of health)
recovering from a cold
2: to obtain a final legal judgment in one's favor
— The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
‘Recover’ is a project about overcoming depression. It is based on my personal experience of dealing with this condition.
For a while, I’ve been wondering about the nature of social stigma surrounding depression and other mental health issues. I’ve noticed that mental health issues are all too often being perceived as untreatable and definitive, even though a lot of them can be successfully cured. ‘Recover’ focuses on the process of healing, instead of documenting the realities of dealing with the condition.
In psychoanalysis, it is believed that depression is caused by the loss of an object and is, in effect, ‘mourning’ over something important being lost. ‘Recover’ states that everything changes and that every void seeks to be filled with meaning.
It’s always darkest before the dawn.
recoverability \ ri-ˌkə-və-rə-ˈbi-lə-tē , -ˌkəv-rə- \ noun
recoverable \ ri-ˈkə-və-rə-bəl , -ˈkəv-rə- \ adjective
recoverer \ ri-ˈkə-vər-ər \ noun